Autor: Périphériques


« Périphériques » = to be around architecture in order to reach the heart of it, as well as walk along its borders.
For more than 20 years, PERIPHERIQUES MARIN+TROTTIN Architectes have been inscribing the practice of their
profession in a collective register and a willingness to invite and share with other architects for specific collaborations or more durable ones on common projects. A trademark / an attitude: the «anti-ego». Always with the same requirement of sharing, MARIN+TROTTIN Architectes are also publishers (IN-EX projects, USAGES Reviews), and organize exhibitions or events with the French Touch association.

Playing with established rules and diverting evidence, with radical positions, backed by a strong experiment on the
individual or collective housing, as well as on cultural, educational, tertiary buildings, or on transport infrastructure such as metro stations, MARIN+TROTTIN Architectes wish to bring an extra dimension to simple use, with a multidisciplinary expertise. Experts in building teams and projects from their premises to delivery, seasoned with rich programmatic complexities proposals, MARIN+TROTTIN Architectes know how to federate, aggregate and transcend all the talents necessary for the completion and realization of a project.

« For each project, our attitude is to overview and synthesize precisely the request, from context to use, in order to control the operation perfectly. Our aim is to deconstruct the obvious answer, then to offer an unexpected and relevant solution ».


MARIN+TROTTIN Architects propose a creation based on the multidisciplinarity and diversity of activities in the fields of architecture, urban planning, scenography and communication. Their experience is about housing as well as about cultural, educational, tertiary buildings, or about transport infrastructure such as metro stations.

« Our architecture promotes multiple themes », they said. Able of meeting a wide range of issues with expertise and to contribute globally and/or specifically by sector of activity, they look at each new project with an eye simultaneously new, naive and sharp, as a challenge both demanding and exciting. Proactive in creative and technical proposals, MARIN+TROTTIN are at the service of an intelligent and relevant architecture, and always in tune with the reality of contexts.

« The aesthetics of our architecture is a conclusion, never a preamble », explain these specific architectures collectors.


Driving force to build teams and programs, from their premises till delivery, seasoned to projects with rich programmatic complexities, MARIN+TROTTIN Architectes know how to federate, aggregate and transcend all the
talents necessary for the completion and realization of a successful project. One method : organize and manage a
multitude of constraints and know-hows, whatever may the building be.

« It is all about succeeding in creating conditions for a common history, and ensuring that all trades are investing consistently in this same and common project ».

By holding strong values that speak to everyone, MARIN+TROTTIN Architectes’s vocation is to gather and create empathy around a project.

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