

Villa Baronessa

In the Villa Baronessa the artist Manfred Alois Mayr puts the residents or guests not ‘in front’, but ‘in the centre’ of the colour. In doing so the colour is not used as a design or a décor: it is configured in a multi-layered relation with form and content of the building and of the latters surroundings as a social, historic and geographic experience area.

Scalo Farini

Agenti Climatici (Climatic Agents), the masterplan by OMA’s Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli and Reinier de Graaf, co-designed with Laboratorio Permanente, has won the Concorso Farini competition for the redevelopment of the Scalo Farini and San Cristoforo sites, two disused railway yards North and South of the periphery of Milan.

Villas in Sardinia

Conceived in the 1970s by Ferdinando Fagnola and Gianni Francione, the complex of villas nestled in the earth in a village close to the Costa Smeralda in Sardinia, Italy has recently been the subject of a brilliant renovation project designed by Fagnola himself together with PAT. studio. The vitality, spatial qualities, environmental sensitivity and community spirit that inspired the project forty years ago are renewed, thus reviving a little-known episode of the best Italian architecture.

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