Filip turned to us with an amazing challenge: to build with simple solutions and local materials a luxurious, but at the same time adventurous living, bringing the experience of an immediate stay in the Costa Rican jungle. According to his words, they should be «tree houses» placed on the hillside of the Art Villas resort, but in the freshly established garden without fully grown trees. And he asked for a design that no one had seen before. We designed a nest of several shelters located on a fall overlooking the valley and named them Coco.

In our design, we used our previous experience from the completion of our experimental design and build projects on the border of architecture, landscape architecture and urban design. The main construction material is local tropical wood, complemented by a tent canvas and metal elements. Rational construction is the basis of the design. It creates the form and atmosphere by itself, without needing of any added decoration. The construction principle allows flexibility in the size, shape and composition of several similar objects in complicated terrain. “The same creative principle is used by Nature for millions of years. The Nature inspires us to create an environment that we love and feel safe in. We follow on from to the principles of Natural Architecture, as formulated by our friend and teacher, architect Martin Rajniš”, says Martin Kloda.


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