Tipología:Suburban houses



Heva is a prefab self sufficient cabin. It's a space experience, opened to the landscape and awareness of our daily needs.

NVD House

Placed in a land with a native forest surrounding it, the NVD house was designed in order to attend the wishes of a couple with three children: having a weekend residence for relaxing and leisure moments to the family.

JY House

This vacation home in the interior of São Paulo was built for a family with two adult children. The project is divided into two main volumes, displaced from one another. The ground floor contains the entire social area, while the upper volume accommodates the more sheltered suites.

Empire House

Against the current Australian trend - to build large, fast and cheaply, Empire Canberra is a relatively small, hand-crafted home. Located on a beautiful, wide, tree-lined street, in a culturally significant and important part of the capital, Empire house is unapologetic in its architectural detail and craftsmanship, as this is what the area deserves.

Mr. Barrett’s House

Internal architecture could name the process through which Mr. Barrett’s House has gone through. An interesting idea, directly borrowed from the medical world, would be to call ourselves internists in this sort of surgical intervention.

Villa Baronessa

In the Villa Baronessa the artist Manfred Alois Mayr puts the residents or guests not ‘in front’, but ‘in the centre’ of the colour. In doing so the colour is not used as a design or a décor: it is configured in a multi-layered relation with form and content of the building and of the latters surroundings as a social, historic and geographic experience area.

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