Autor: Sergey Kuznetsov

1977 Born in Moscow on 25 July.
1995 — 2001 Studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute (MArchI), Faculty of Residential and Public Buildings (ZhOS). Received a Diploma in Architecture.
2003 Partner and general director of the architectural studio S.P. Project.
2006 Co-founder with architect Sergei Tchoban of the SPEECH bureau.
2006 — August 2012 Managing partner of the SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov bureau.
Completed projects include: office building on Leninsky Prospekt, Granatniy 6 residential building, Grunwald residential complex, Aquamarine Business Centre on Ozerkovskaya Embankment in Moscow, V Lesu micro-city in the Moscow Region, the Palace of Water Sports in Kazan, Museum for Architectural Drawing in Berlin and Olympiada Mediacentre in Sochi.
20 August 2012 Appointed Chief Architect of Moscow and First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow.
2010 Co-author of the Russia Factory project and design for the Russian Pavilion exhibition at the 12th Venice Architecture Biennale.
2012 Co-curator of the exhibition i-city/i-land Skolkovo project for the Russian Pavilion at the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale. The exhibition received the Special Mention award from the Biennale jury.
2013 Graphics by Sergey Kuznetsov and Sergei Tchoban shown at the From Drawing to Building exposition, as part of the exhibition ARCH Moscow NEXT!
2014 Participant in the exhibition SOLO ITALIA! Architectural Graphics of the 18th–21st Centuries at the Engineering Corpus of the State Tretyakov Gallery.
Curator of an exhibition project for the collateral event to the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale, MOSKVA: urban space.
2016 Curator of the Russian Pavilion exhibition at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale, V.D.N.H. URBAN PHENOMENON.
Drawings by Sergey Kuznetsov were shown at the MAMM exhibition Project SPEECH.
Participant in the exhibition SOLO ITALIA! Architettura e paesaggio culturale. Disegni dal Settecento ad oggi, at the National Institute of Graphics in Rome.
2015, 2017 Award of Excellence at the Аrchitecture in Perspective competition held by the American Society of Architectural Illustrators (ASAI)
2014, 2016 Sergey Kuznetsov’s drawings are included in the exhibition catalogue ‘SOLO ITALIA! Architectural Graphics of the 18th–21st Centuries’, ‘SOLO ITALIA. Architettura e paesaggio culturale. Disegni dal Settecento ad oggi’/ Moskva. Iskusstvo-XXI vek.
2015 Publication of the album ‘Sergey Kuznetsov. Architecture Drawings’, SKIRA publishers (Italy).
2017 A special catalogue to accompany the exhibition ‘Sergey Kuznetsov. Personal Contact / Architectural Graphics’ (MAMM 21.07 — 10.09.2017) is being prepared for publication. Together with drawings and watercolours by Sergey Kuznetsov, it will include contributions by eminent cultural figures on different world cities.