Autor: Architecture BRIO

Shefali Balwani

Shefali Balwani is a practising architect and founder principal and director of Architecture BRIO. Born in Mumbai, she studied at the School of Architecture C.E.P.T. in Ahmedabad. After graduating she worked with Rahul Mehrotra Associates in Mumbai. Thereafter she joined the office of Channa Daswatte in Sri Lanka. In 2006 she established Architecture BRIO together with Robert Verrijt in her hometown Mumbai.

Shefali has a keen interest in practising in a wide variety and scales of projects. Shefali has participated in lectures and forums both in India and abroad. She lectured at the KVD forum at CEPT in Ahmedabad, the Landscape Architecture conference in Sydney, Australia and the MASA conference in Bangalore.

Robert Verrijt

Born in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Robert Verrijt received a Master of Science in Architecture at the TUDelft in 2003. The Netherlands awarded him several grants from the Fund for Visual Arts and Architecture (FBKVB) that encourages young talents. Being fascinated by Geoffrey Bawa’s architecture, he moved to Sri Lanka shortly after graduating. He joined the office of Channa Daswatte where he assisted on a retrospective exhibition of Geoffrey Bawa’s work. Three years later he moved to Mumbai to set up the practice Architecture BRIO together with Shefali Balwani.

Robert has taught at various colleges of Architecture in Mumbai and lectures extensively in India and abroad. Since 2006 he is a member of the Bandra Collective and leads the bB design Studio, dedicated to eradicating homelessness.


Over ten years later, Architecture BRIO’s work field spans the vast variety of cultures, climates and landscapes across the Indian Subcontinent and South East Asia. Each project is seen as a challenge and opportunity to uncover the unique characteristics of these specific conditions, investigating which intervention has a potential for positive change and impact in the way we deal with our natural and built world. Simultaneously the studio believes that architecture should remain a backdrop to life rather than taking centre stage. In order for Architecture is to have a long lasting sensory impact it needs to evoke the urge to be discovered. The firm has since then won several awards such as the JKC Architect of the Year Awards, the AD-50 Awards and IIID-Awards.


The practice actively engages with research and seeks out collaborations with institutes and organisations. With Billionbricks, an NGO committed to eradicate homelessness, they set up a dedicated studio called Bb-Studio. The innovation design studio consults with communities, NGOs and governments to provide scalable high-quality buildings and infrastructure solutions.

As part of the Bandra Collective, the firm is involved with research and design of public space in the city.

Architecture BRIO’s work field spans the vast variety of cultures, climates and landscapes across India and South East Asia. Each project is seen as an opportunity to uncover the unique characteristics of these conditions, investigating which interventions have an impact in the way we deal with our natural and built world.


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