Animal Hospital in Sapporo, Japan
El espacio arquitectónico del hospital para animales actúa también como un lugar de encuentro de la comunidad local. El diseño interior de la zona del vestíbulo crea una atmósfera de calma que contribuye al relax y al intercambio. ¿Qué se espera del futuro diseño de un hospital de animales? La gente trae sus animales domésticos no sólo para el tratamiento, sino también para compartir información y espera que su comunidad la acoja.
Here is the animal hospital architectural space, and also that acts as a meeting place of the local community. This lobby area is set upped while waiting for a doctor have furnished to contribute people can relax. In addition, this interior design is created to calm atmosphere for useful and exchange people. What possibility is expected of future animal hospital design? People bring their pets for not only treatment but also to share information, hopes their cozy community. I have tried to design which bring borderless the framework one of the animal hospital architectural design.