Hypercubus: Mobile Hotel Room
El Hypercubus es una habitación de hotel móvil. En esencia, el proyecto reinterpreta el concepto de "hotel". Está diseñado de tal manera que técnicamente sus instalaciones pueden ser totalmente independientes; pueden ser individuales o se pueden agrupar. El transporte es sencillo, lo que significa que Hypercubuses se puede utilizar sobre una base estacional y, de acuerdo con la demanda, moverse al lugar a donde se lo necesite. El concepto Hypercubus se basa en tres conceptos fundamentales: - El uso de espacios abiertos con la infraestructura disponible (alternativamente también autosuficiente). - La construcción de pequeñas unidades de vivienda modulares que sean transportables. - La creación de un nuevo concepto de turismo (el apartamento prepago) con un diseño corporativo uniforme.
Named after the mathematical hypercube shape, the Hypercubus is a mobile hotel room.
Essentially, the project reinterprets the “hotel” concept. The Hypercubus is designed in such a way that it can be totally independent technically; installation can be temporary and several Hypercubus units can be grouped into clusters. Transport is straightforward, meaning that Hypercubuses can be used on a seasonal basis and according to demand, moving around according to where they are most needed.
The Hypercubus concept is based on three fundamental concepts:
– the use of open areas with available infrastructure (alternatively also self-sufficient)
– the construction of small modular living units that are transportable
– the creation of a new concept in tourism (the prepaid apartment) with a uniform corporate design.
The project develops an idea for tourism in the respective region. The ‘minimal housing’ apartments use existing resources, are transportable thanks to their mobile construction and are used where they are needed depending on the season. In this way, the very same object can be used at various locations during the year, according to wherever there is demand at the time. This means that location-dependent deficits in utilisation can be compensated out of season. For larger events, the living units can be brought together from across the region. The apartments create their own corporate design and thus form an identity for each (new) location.