Emergency Terminal in Zagreb, Croatia
A partir de una síntesis de distintas tipologías arquitectónicas (hospitales, clínicas, garajes, edificios administrativos y educativos) el centro de emergencias surge como un signo urbano de seguridad, competencia y velocidad. El centro incluye la recepción, los servicios de telecomunicaciones, la clínica de reanimación, la clínica para los pacientes, el almacenamiento de suministros médicos de la ciudad de Zagreb, un auditorio, aulas, un laboratorio, los servicios de administración, los servicios técnicos y un estacionamiento de varios pisos con capacidad para 170 vehículos médicos.
Through a synthesis of architectural genres (hospital, clinic, garage, administrative, and educational buildings) the Emergency terminal emerges as a new urban sign of safety, competence and speed. The 8-story facility includes a reception and telecommunications service, resuscitation clinic, in-patient clinic, Zagreb City’s medical supply storage, a lecture hall and classrooms, a laboratory, administration service, technical service and multi-story garage accommodating 170 medical vehicles.
Measuring up to the high criteria of contemporary architecture, the institution, approximately 14,000 m² in surface area, can serve 2 million citizens. The steel skeletal construction with supported ceiling plates meets the architectural demands of lightness and spatial variability. An effective and rational solution for the large surface of the façade is the membrane net structure.
Within the heterogeneous surrounding the translucent character of the material (textile membrane – precontraint ) contributes to the varying perception of the building during the day versus during the night. In the daylight the house dominates with its volume and attracts with the cleanness (sterility) of white. When lit up at night the membrane façade turns the entire house into a large, white lantern -the white cube becomes an illuminated landmark.