Casa H, en Japón
Se trata de la casa para una joven pareja y su hijo, ubicada en la ciudad de Matsudo, Prefectura de Chiba. Desde la década del '60, Matsudo se ha desarrollado como una zona residencial en las afueras de Tokyo. La casa H es la reconstrucción de una casa construida en ese momento.
Había sido invitado a construir la casa como un nuevo símbolo en ese lugar para una familia joven con la mirada puesta en el futuro. Entonces, propuse la casa no sólo como una imagen, sino como un símbolo viviente mediante la utilización de un gran techo y los elementos estructurales.
Inicialmente proyecté un gran techo con ocho marcos de madera en forma de Y en su interior. Al igual que las vigas de madera de un ático en la arquitectura tradicional, los marcos en forma de Y hechos de madera aglomerada recorren toda la casa y seis entresuelos cuelgan de ellos a distinto nivel.
Original Text in English
This is a house for young couple and their child, located in Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture. Matsudo City has a background that has developed as a residential area on the outskirts of Tokyo from the 1960s. This house was planned rebuilding of the house, which was built at that time. I seemed to have been asked to build a house as a new symbol in this place by a young family with the hope of the future. So, I proposed the house as living symbol by utilizing a big roof and structural member actually in their daily life rather than just image.
At first I placed a big roof in the site, and arranged the eight Y-shaped wooden frames in it. I planned to each space by hanging second floors and loft floors from them. Like a bunch of attic beams of traditional wooden architecture, Y-shaped frames made of bonded wood run through the entire house. And the six floorboards are hung from them at different level. Depending on the level and location of floorboards, the distance from big roof and other living space will be changed, the space of under the floorboards as well. Although whole house is just one space under big roof, it divided loosely with Y-shaped frames and floorboards, so that people stay each space feeling each other.
I hope that the family uses the structure of house in their daily life and that the structure related to their daily life. For example people hanging pictures and figures from Y-shaped frames and marking height of child along his growth on it. And they will leave the trail of their life on the house like a well thumbed book.