
Peru London Pavilion Competition

Arquitectum, a firm for the organization of Architectural Contests and Events, is pleased to welcome architects from the world over to the Peru London Pavilion International Architecture Competition.

The objective of the competition is the design of the Peru Pavilion (for the World Travel Market -WTM). The proposals presented will be referential and able to accommodate adjustments vefore the WTM commences. These adjustments will be made jointly with PROMPERU and will e the result of an evaluation of the specific requirements of each travel market. It should be understood that the design proposals chosen as winners will be used by Promperu not only in the WTM, but also in all the presentations mounted by Peru in tourism fairs in Europe, Latin America and Asia, beginning in November 2012 and continuing 2013.

Eligible por participation in the competition are:
– Architects as well as Interior Designers and Interior Architects from all over the world who have satisfactorily concluded their studies and count with a degree to certify them as such, as well as any team or office of professionals with at least one architect of said characteristics.
– In the casa of Peruvian architects, at least one of the members of the team has to be registered to practice professionally in the country.
At any given case, team should have six (06)

More information > http://www.arquitectum.com/index.php

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