
Martian Embassy, la embajada de Marte en Sidney!

Los marcianos han aterrizado! Y crearon su propia embajada en el interior de la ciudad de Sydney! La nueva embajada ha sido diseñado por LAVA, con los asociados O'Rourke y Glue Society, como la fusión de una ballena, un cohete y un túnel del tiempo; un espacio hecho con costillas de madera contrachapada que cobra vida gracias a la luz del planeta rojo y a la proyección de sonido. La Embajada de Marte es un proyecto de LAVA para el Sydney Story Factory, un centro creativo sin fines de lucro para los jóvenes de Redfern. Allí se pueden encontrar desde una mezcla de aceites esenciales de Marte que inspiran la imaginación de los jóvenes, hasta sonidos y luces del planeta rojo que animan el espacio. Pasaportes marcianos, dinero extraterrestre, latas de 1kg de peso, kits de secuestro y de protección solar SPF 5000 son sólo algunos de los "productos fabricados en Marte" que se ofrecen en la tienda de regalos.

The Martians have landed! And they’ve set up their very own embassy in inner city Sydney! The new embassy was designed by LAVA, with partners Will O’Rourke and The Glue Society, as a fusion of a whale, a rocket and a time tunnel, an immersive space of oscillating plywood ribs brought to life by red planet light and sound projections. LAVA’s design for the Martian Embassy is for The Sydney Story Factory, a not-for-profit creative writing centre for young people in Redfern, Sydney. The project was a collaboration with production company Will O’Rourke and their creative partners The Glue Society, who developed the Martian concept which was then road tested with kids – of all ages.

Chris Bosse, Asia Pacific director of LAVA said: ‘It’s the stuff great stories are made of – think of Moby Dick, H. G. Wells’ Time Machine and 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick’. ‘The concept is to awaken creativity in kids, so the design acts as a trigger, firing up the engines of imagination. It’s an intergalactic journey – from the embassy, at the street entrance, to the shop full of red planet traveller essentials, to the classroom. By the time kids reach the writing classes they have forgotten they are in “school”.’ ‘Using a fluid geometry merging the three program components [embassy, school and shop], a computer model was sliced and ‘nested’ into buildable components. 1068 pieces of CNC-cut plywood were put together like a giant puzzle. Using technologies from the yacht and space industry the timber ribs create shelves, seats, benches, storage, counters and displays and continue as strips on the floor. Edged with Martian green, the curvy plywood flows seamlessly so that walls, ceiling and floor, space, structure and ornament, become one element.’

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A mix of Martian essential oils infuses the tunnel to inspire young imaginations, whilst the sounds and lights of the red planet animate the space. Martian passports, alien money, 1kg cans of gravity, abduction kits and SPF 5000 sunscreen are just some of the ‘Made on Mars’ gift products sold in the Martian Embassy store. ‘We had a lot of fun creating the first diplomatic mission from inner space’, added Bosse. The Sydney Story Factory is a not-for-profit creative writing centre for young people in inner Sydney. Volunteer tutors help students to write and publish stories. Free programs target young people, from marginalized, Indigenous and non-English speaking backgrounds, but are open to everyone. It was inspired by 826 Valencia, a creative writing centre for young people started by novelist Dave Eggers in San Francisco in 2002. A Pirate Supply Store fronts the centre, selling everything the working buccaneer needs: peg legs, eye patches, parrot feed. There are now eight chapters across the US, each with its own unique themed shop. In 2010 novelist Nick Hornby opened The Ministry of Stories in London, behind Hoxton Street Monster Supplies.

More Information > http://sydneystoryfactory.org.au/

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