YUU-Design tool, equipamiento en Milán
Toton & Co, la empresa francesa fabricante del sistema YUU, participa en la Semana del Diseño de Milán con cuatro instalaciones firmadas por Daniele Lago, Lorenzo Palmeri, Matteo Ragni, Raw-Bordes y Studiodass. Cinco diseñadores que interpretan libremente el sistema YUU en cuatro lugares de la ciudad.
YUU es un nuevo sistema constructivo para la creación de estructuras de equipamiento. Creado en Tokio, París y Palermo, YUU surge después de dos décadas en la que trabajaron en forma interdisciplinaria doce asociados de Toton & Co combinando el arte, la arquitectura, la física, las finanzas, la pedagogía, la comercialización y la botánica.
YUU es un sistema que se basa en el uso de un elemento de sujeción revolucionario, el único de su tipo en el mundo capaz de asegurar tres barras de sección transversal rectangular. YUU es una herramienta de diseño de metal de fácil montaje que permite la creación de modelos, entrepisos, cocinas, vestidores, muros de jardines. Para estas estructuras se añaden complementos de decoración producidos por artistas y artesanos de todas partes del mundo, y por la misma empresa, brindando soluciones novedosas para el equipamiento de tiendas, oficinas, restaurantes, hoteles, salones, baños, cocinas y jardines.
Original Text in English
Toton&Co, the French company producing YUU, is taking part in Milan Design Week with four installations +1 signed Daniele Lago, Lorenzo Palmeri, Matteo Ragni, Raw-Edges and Studiodass. Five designers freely interpreting the YUU system in four city locations +1.
YUU is a new construction system for the creation of furnishing structures. It originated between Tokyo, Paris and Palermo from the two-decade long cooperation of Toton&Co twelve associates and the mysterious melange of their respective disciplines: art, architecture, matter physics, finance, pedagogics, marketing and botany.
YUU is a patent. The system is based on the use of a revolutionary clamping element: The only one of its kind in the world able to secure together three rectangular cross-section bars. It is a Social Creativity Product turning the consumer into the creator of his/her own living environment. YUU is a design tool. Easy assembling of the metal clamping joints and bars allows to create book-cases, mezzanines, kitchens, walk-in closets, garden walls. To the structures thus created, furnishing accessories are then added. These apps are produced by companies, artists, craftsmen/women and by the YUU owners themselves, from all over the world, and offer novel solutions for the furnishing of stores, offices, restaurants, hotels, living-rooms, bathrooms, kitchens and gardens.
Instructions for YUUs
During the Milan Design Week, YUU will be interpreted, personalized, reinvented by five designers in four different city locations +1. Daniele Lago, Lorenzo Palmeri, Matteo Ragni, Raw-Edges and Studiodass were chosen to work with YUU. Each was given 20 clamping elements and 50 meters of bars to “play” with and freely conceive function, shape and dimensions. Thus, the 50 meters of aluminium bars are segmented and bent; they swivel, they protrude; they are dressed and coloured whilst the twenty joints connect, link and clamp. The five locations, between reality and virtual, helps to define the interpretative game: the LAGO apartment in Brera, the Jannelli&Volpi Store in Porta Venezia, the Corraini 121 bookshop in Zona Tortona, the Milan Triennale and the YUU home page.
More information > www.yuu.eu.com