Nico Nico Shop in Tokyo, Japan
El Nico Nico Shop es el primer espacio real del sitio para compartir videos, más popular de Japón. Una "rejilla deformada" ha sido diseñada para integrar una red que ordena la estructura y las instalaciones, la cual a su vez permite diversas condiciones de iluminación y circulación. Ordinal forma * Varios / Resumen * Diferentes tamaños / perspectivas reales * Virtual. Estos elementos opuestos coexisten en este espacio y crean una "experiencia del cuerpo característica" - fusión de la percepción real y virtual. Una experiencia que podría ser como la de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas.
Context and target
The Nico Nico Shop is the 1st real space produced by Nico Nico Douga (Harajyuku), the most popular video share site in Japan. The design targets for this space are to manage multiple functions and create a “characteristic body experience”.
“Deformed grid”, “Scale extension”, “Reflection images” are the three factors that create the spatial experience.
“Deformed grid” is designed by the integration of the ordinal grid and various required condition and activities, The ordinal grid is for the existing structure/facilities. Various required condition and activities are prospective lighting, circulation and display.
“Scale extension” is created by the furniture. Abstract origami form in three different sizes make the reality of human scale disappear.
“Reflection images” integrates real and virtual perspectives through the use of mirrors in niches and on furniture faces.
Ordinal * Various / Abstract form * Different sizes / Real * Virtual perspectives. These opposing elements coexist in this space and create a “characteristic body experience” – melding real and virtual perception. An experience that might be like Alice in Wonderland.