VI International Seminar on Pedagogics of Architecture and Urbanism (SIPAU)
The Faculty of Architecture of La Habana, with 109 years of experience in architecture education and Guiding Center for it in the Country, has been developing in the last decades an intense labor focused on the improvement of the Curricula, to fit it to the needs of the Cuban and Latin American society, to the imperative of social and technical scientific development and to the contribution to the solution of contemporary world problems.
15TH SCIENTIFIC CONVENTION OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE (CCIA 2010). Polytechnic Superior Institute J. A. Echeverria – CUJAE Havana – Cuba – November – December 2010
Sustainable Education in Integration times. Multi-disciplinary advanced experiences: Internationalization. Trans-disciplinarity. Project oriented Learning. Development of higher order cognitive learning skills.
To contribute to these goals organizes periodically international events which last versions adopted the name of International Seminar on Pedagogics of Architecture and Urbanism, in Spanish SIPAU. This VI SIPAU will continue considering last trends on the field of pedagogical and scientific conceptions and of research tools by one side and in another side the development of higher cognitive skills to facilitate an effective apprenticeship orient to the participation in the solution of social problems. It is about to deepen in a sustainable approach, namely integrative, complex, systemic, bio-cybernetic, trans-disciplinary and applied in its broader conception to the education for Urbanism and Architecture. With the goal of integrating in its approach the management and curricular processes of the Education, very often handled isolated, the event propose a work structure that goes from the general to the most particular pretending an iterative transit across the complex and diverse space-time ambits that corresponds to the education in Urbanism and Architecture. The event invites to participate in the debate educators and actors of any field or sector that can contribute, in any or several aspects of the problematic, to the new necessary vision for the education in a future of integration in the frame of growing complexity and of the urgent necessity for the integration of social processes.
The general education process and the new global paradigms
The new paradigms about the conception of the world, science and research. Complexity of actual problems in Urbanism, Architecture and Design from a cultural, environmental, functional, technological and other points of view. The Impact of globalization, and of the new technologies of information, communication and building construction. Ethical fundaments and conceptual transformations.
Systematic management of processes in academic institutions
The Impact of new scientific- and research paradigms in the academic structure and institutional processes. Trends and experiences of integrated handling of multi-and trans-disciplinary, pedagogic-didactic and institutional-academic aspects. Trends and experiences about the integration between learning-teaching, research and community outreach. Training and management of human resources.
Systemic management of the Curriculum
New strategies and pedagogic models. Education on values and attitudes. Transdisciplinary as methodological and scientific tool for educational process structuring. Problem oriented learning and development of higher order cognitive learning skills. Strategies for new curriculum development. Learning-Teaching of Design / Projecting at different levels and the needed multi-disciplinary integration. New approaches and experiences about research and about permanent, semipresential and virtual education. Connecting strategies with own professional processes. Connections with related disciplines and professions. Learning evaluation. Accreditation.
Interdisciplinary academic committee
– President: Dr. Arq. Rubén A. Bancrofft Hernández.
– Executive Secretary: Arq. Yanamari Bancroft Pérez.
– Dr. Arq. Jorge Peña Díaz, Dean.
– Dr. Arq. Lourdes Ortega Morales, President of the National Commission for Curriculum Development.
– Dr. Arq. Pedro Tejera Garófalo, Vice Dean for Post-graduate Studies and Research.
– Dr. Eng. Vivian Elena Parnas, Vice Dean for Academic Extension.
– Dr. Eng. Marietta Llanes Pérez, Vice Dean for academic Affairs.
– Dr. Arq. Joiselen Cazanave Macías, Chair for Urban and Architectural Design Studios
– Dr. Cs. Ing. Ángel Martínez González, Chair for Building Technology and Construction.
– Arq. Karen Sanabria, Chair for Graphics in Urbanism and Architecture
– Dr. María V. Zardoya Loureda, Center of Urban Studies for Havana-CEU-H.
– Dr. Arq. Mabel Matamoros Tuma, Design Issues.
– Dr. Arq. José Flores Mola, Building Technology.
– Lic. Florencia Peñate Díaz, Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism.
– Arq. Larissa Castillo Rodríguez, Graphics in Architecture and Urbanism.
– Dr. Ada Portero R., Heritage Rehabilitation.
– A representative authority from each of the other three Faculties of Construction in the country.
Presentation of papers and participation
You can participate as speaker, observer or escort delegate. Students accredited by its institutions have a reduced fee. The guidelines for the presentation are located at the web page of the Conference. Deadline for the reception of papers is September 30th, 2010 to the electronic address of the Conference. Papers received after this date could not be included in the Proceedings.
Working sessions
The event will begin with plenary sessions for the conceptual positioning with main lectures and papers about the themes. Group analysis of papers will follow. Plenary sessions for the final positioning will close the event.
Inscription fee for delegates an students includes a module with the digital memory of the event, right to participate in academic activities, inauguration and closure and attendance certificate in case of presenting a paper or a lecture. The inscription fee for attendant includes only the participation in the opening and closure activities.
Delegates: 220,00 CUC
Students: 80,00 CUC
Attendant: 70,00 CUC
Paper sending and payment way
The papers must be sent to:
– Arq. Yanamari Bancroft > sipau2010@arquitectura.cujae.edu.cu
– Dr. Rubén A. Bancrofft > bancroft@tesla.cujae.edu.cu
The payment can be done on line through the web page of the event http://www.cciacuba.com or can be done in cash (CUC) at the moment of accreditation in the Congress desk.