
ALIS presentation 2008

Alis was born in a post-industrial society with the purpose of fostering the added value produced by good design, innovation and the development of new products and processes.


Alis provides a select range of standard products, and also makes helps architects to design their own products and have them manufactured, in order to achieve total integration in their projects. Alis is organised into different lines of business. The development of seating for large installations, auditoriums and conference rooms is complemented by a select range of furniture provided through partnerships with renowned European companies.
Production is just the start of Alis activities, forming the asis of wider range of functions, such as design, communication, engineering…
Alis leads and supervises every stage of production, including not only the purchase of materials and the whole roduction process, but also quality control, final assembly,
logistics and installation. The minimal structure of Alis gives
the company the responsiveness required to deliver the best products, at reasonable and competitive prices. Flexibility and adaptability are Alis’s main assets. Alis provides solutions to architects and designers in order to make furniture an integral part of their projects.

Chair, Sofa, Bench, Street lamp

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