
Torsanlorenzo International Prize 2009. Landscape and design protection

IFLA supports the Torsanlorenzo International Prize. The Jury will meet on Friday the 27th of March 2009 at 10 am at the Prize site and the Prize-giving ceremony will take place on Saturday 9th May 2009 at 10am.

Prize Regulations
Art. 1 – The «TORSANLORENZO INTERNATIONAL PRIZE» 2009 is offered with the aim of highlighting completed projects and promoting the quality of forest and urban green spaces.
There are three sections, as follows:
Actions for environment restoration, renewal and recovery;
• SECTION B – URBAN GREEN SPACES – The quality of projects in cities: squares, neighbourhood green spaces, urban and private parks;
Art. 2 – The «TORSANLORENZO INTERNATIONAL PRIZE» 2009 is open to landscape architects, agronomists and foresters worldwide or other professionals involved in landscape and environment projects and enrolled on national and international professional registers. Projects that have already won other prizes are not eligible.
There is no entry fee.
For further information see web site www.premiotorsanlorenzo.it or contact the secretariat of the Organising Committee of the «TORSANLORENZO INTERNATIONAL PRIZE».
Tel. +39 06-91 01 90 05 – Fax +39 06-91 01 16 02 – Email info@premiotorsanlorenzo.it
Art. 3 – Interested professionals should ensure that the documentation cited in art. 4 will be sent by post or express courier or delivered directly by hand no later than Friday 6th March 2009, at the headquarters of Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico Soc. Coop. Agr. – Via Campo di Carne, 51 – 00040 Tor San Lorenzo – Ardea – Rome (Italy), where the Secretariat of the Organising Committee is based. The envelope should be marked: REQUEST FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE «TORSANLORENZO INTERNATIONAL PRIZE» 2009. SECTION____________
In case that the documents will be sent by post or express courier, the date of the postal stamp on dispatch will be deemed valid for the purposes of acceptance, but the documents must arrive within the following 10 days, after which they will no longer be accepted.
In case that the documents will be delivered directly by hand, this must happen not later than 6th March 2009, to the Secretariat of the Organising Committee at the above address, where a receipt will be issued.
The documents submitted will not be returned.
Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico shall not be responsible for loss or delays in the post.
The costs of dispatch and of insurance, if any, of the documentation shall be met in full by the entrants.
Organising Committee:
Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico Soc. Coop. Agr. – Via Campo di Carne, 51 – 00040 Tor San Lorenzo – Ardea (Rm) – Italy
Tel. +39-06-91019005 – Fax +39-06-91011602 E-mail: info@premiotorsanlorenzo.it
Art. 4 – The documentation is to be submitted in both the prize’s official languages (Italian and English) and shall consist of the following.
• A sealed envelope, marked on the outside with an alphanumeric code of the applicant’s choice, comprising six letters and/or numerals and containing:
1) Application form (Annex A) indicating the section applied for (see Art. 1);
2) Declaration (Annex B);
3) A CD containing the following information: in Word format (Arial 11 points) the descriptive technical report of the project and curriculum vitae of the project team leader or the details of the professional studio or individual designers. The above
must be submitted in no more than 30 lines, in both Italian and English; the tables and a picture for each curriculum should be submitted in JPG format at high resolution (minimum 300 dpi) for eventual publication in the official catalogue of
4) 6 self-adhesive labels of a size appropriate to the graphics entered, indicating the name of the project, its location, and the professionals and collaborators involved.
These labels will be applied to the material after the official adjudication of the entries and must be inside the sealed envelope.
• A descriptive technical report of no more than 5 pages in standard A4 format, in both Italian and English, clearly indicating the section of the prize for which the project is entered. This report must specify the plants used (with their scientific names), the reasons for their selection and the chronology of the actions and the dates of planning and implementation;
• 2 tables in standard A1 format (59.4 x 84.1 cm) with plants, sections in metric scale, photographs, graphic concept diagrams, perspectives and all else necessary for an understanding of the project, the whole arranged in such a way that the table is legible when positioned with the longest side parallel to the ground. The graphic details should carry precise instructions as to where the label can be affixed and should be protected by appropriate lamination on both sides and NOT requiring a rigid hardback.
Both the report and the tables should carry the pre-chosen alphanumeric code on the back, in font size 10 and should not contain any topographic-nominal details. Drawings, photographs, models and other documents not required by the regulations will be eliminated by the jury prior to evaluation of the competitor’s submission.
Facsimiles of the annexes are available on web site www.premiotorsanlorenzo.it.
Art. 5 – The jury will be composed of experts and representatives of the professional category concerned; its judgement will be final and not subject to appeal.
The jury will be made up of the following:
• An independent professional (of non-European nationality) nominated by the UIA – Union Internationale des Architectes;
• An independent professional (of non-European nationality) nominated by the IFLA – International Federation of Landscape Architects;
• An independent professional (of non-European nationality) nominated by the ASLA – American Society of Landscape Architects;
Organising Committee:
Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico Soc. Coop. Agr. – Via Campo di Carne, 51 – 00040 Tor San Lorenzo – Ardea (Rm) – Italy
Tel. +39-06-91019005 – Fax +39-06-91011602 E-mail: info@premiotorsanlorenzo.it
• An independent professional (of non-Italian nationality) nominated by the EFLA – European Foundation for Landscape Architecture;
• An independent professional (of non-Italian nationality) nominated by the FEAP – Fédération Européenne pour l’Architecture du Paysage;
• An independent professional nominated by the CNAPPC – Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Conservatori, Paesaggisti;
• An independent professional nominated by the CONAF – Consiglio dell’Ordine Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali;
• An independent professional nominated by the AIAPP – Associazione italiana di Architettura del Paesaggio;
• An independent professional (of non-Italian nationality) nominated by the editors of the periodical «Torsanlorenzo Informa»;
• Mario Margheriti of Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico.
The jury’s decisions shall be taken by simple majority of the votes cast, with a separate vote for each project presented. In the event of a tie, the chairman will have a casting vote. The list of awards, together with the jury’s report, shall be signed by all members of the jury before it is dissolved. A copy of that document will be sent to the UIA.
The jury will meet at the Prize awarding location, on Friday 27th March 2009, at 10 a.m.
Should the number of entries require it, the jury will also meet on subsequent days. The panel members will be notified of this requirement on or after the prize entry date of 16th March 2009.
Art. 6 -Three members of the Organising Committee will verify the presence of the sealed envelope and the formal compliance of the documents presented and required by the provisions of
Art. 4 of the Prize Regulations, points 2 and 3. The Committee will prepare a report to be submitted to the jurors in the form shown in Annex C.
To maintain anonymity sealed envelopes carrying the alphanumeric code will not be opened until the final selection by the jury has been made. The Committee will ensure that the sealed envelope, report, tables and CD are present; that no supplementary materials have been included; that each project complies with the prize regulations. The Committee will ensure that each alphanumeric code is substituted by a registered serial number until the final selection has been made (both numbers will be kept in a register).
The Committee will not exclude any entrant, but will communicate any anomalies to the jury. Only the jury can disqualify an entry.
Art. 7 – The designers of the three best projects (one per category) will be notified forthwith and will receive a cash prize of 2,500 euros. Those in second position will receive a prize of 1,000 euros.
All the prizes will be gross of any taxation or applicable professional duties according to the laws in each country.
Organising Committee:
Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico Soc. Coop. Agr. – Via Campo di Carne, 51 – 00040 Tor San Lorenzo – Ardea (Rm) – Italy
Tel. +39-06-91019005 – Fax +39-06-91011602 E-mail: info@premiotorsanlorenzo.it
Art. 8 – The prizes will be awarded to the winners at a dedicated ceremony to be held at the Conference Centre of Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico on Saturday 9th May 2009 at 10 a.m..
All Participants are warmly invited.
Art. 9 – The jury will publish the results of the Prize, with a final report and final ranking of the projects by 3rd April 2009.
Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico reserves the right to display all the materials submitted to the public in the most opportune places and occasions or to publish them as cultural advertising, without the authors being able to make any claims of an economic nature. This will not affect authors’ rights.
The UIA will publish the results of the Prize with a display of the projects, in their Newsletter and on their website: www.uia-architectes.org
The projects presented will be displayed in an exhibition to be set up in the premises of Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico on the occasion of the Prize-giving Ceremony.
Art. 10 – The following are not eligible to compete for the Prize: full or reserve members of the jury, their wives or husbands, their relatives up to and including the third degree, employees and consultants of the Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico.
Art. 11 – Application for the Prize by any competitor implies unconditional acceptance of all the regulations of the «TORSANLORENZO INTERNATIONAL PRIZE» 2009.
Art. 12 – Any disputes shall be brought before the Organising Committee, which shall have arbitration authority.
Art. 13 – The timing for the «TORSANLORENZO INTERNATIONAL PRIZE» 2009 will be as follows:
• Application and delivery of the documents by and no later than Friday 6th March 2009, with the modalities as described in Art. 3;
• The panel of jurors will meet on Friday 27th March 2009, 10.00 a.m. at the Prize site;
• Decisions by the jury and proclamation of the winners will be made public by 3rd April 2009;
• The Prize giving Ceremony will take place at the conference centre of the Torsanlorenzo
Gruppo Florovivaistico on Saturday 9th May 2009, at 10 a.m..
Organising Committee:
Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico Soc. Coop. Agr. – Via Campo di Carne, 51 – 00040 Tor San Lorenzo – Ardea (Rm) – Italy
Tel. +39-06-91019005 – Fax +39-06-91011602 E-mail: info@premiotorsanlorenzo.it

Alphanumeric code ……………………………………………………
Application form to be placed in the sealed envelope.
First name & surname …………………………………………………………………………………………..
ZIP/Postal Code…………………………………City/State…………………………………………………..
Professional Register or equivalent, Registration number and date
Section for which the project is entered ……………………………………………………………………..
Title and place of the project……………………………………………………………………………………….
Project implementation or completion date ………………………………………………………………..
The postal and e-mail addresses are those chosen for the purposes of this competition.
First …………………………… Surname…………………………… Role…………………………………….
First …………………………… Surname…………………………… Role…………………………………….
First …………………………… Surname…………………………… Role…………………………………….
First …………………………… Surname…………………………… Role…………………………………….
Organising Committee:
Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico Soc. Coop. Agr. – Via Campo di Carne, 51 – 00040 Tor San Lorenzo – Ardea (Rm) – Italy
Tel. +39-06-91019005 – Fax +39-06-91011602 E-mail: info@premiotorsanlorenzo.it

I the undersigned ………………………………………………., born in………………………………………
on…………………………, citizenship……………………………address town………………………………
street………………………number………….., tel……………………fax………………………………………
e-mail…………………………………………………………………….in the role of group leader
•That he/she is enrolled on the Professional Register (OR EQUIVALENT)
of the…………………………………………………………………………..
of the Council/County/Region of……………………………………………N°……………………….
date of registration……………………………………..;
•That none of the incompatibilities cited in art. 10 of the Prize Regulations apply to this
• (to be completed only if the candidate is a legal representative ) Indicate the names of the
collaborators and their professional qualification:
• That he/she accepts all the Prize Regulations;
• That he/she authorises Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico Soc. Coop. Agr., without limitation and free of charge, the dissemination and publication of the design, documents and the first and surnames of the participants and collaborators in keeping with the privacy regulations (law n. 675 of 3rd December 1996).
Place……………………………, date……………………………….
(Attach a photocopy of an identification document)
Organising Committee:
Torsanlorenzo Gruppo Florovivaistico Soc. Coop. Agr. – Via Campo di Carne, 51 – 00040 Tor San Lorenzo – Ardea (Rm) – Italy
Tel. +39-06-91019005 – Fax +39-06-91011602 – E-mail: info@premiotorsanlorenzo.it

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