
88th Annual ADC Awards Call for Entries

The Art Directors Club is the premier organization for integrated media and the first international creative collective of its kind.

Founded in New York in 1920, ADC is a self-funding, not-for-profit membership organization whose mission is to connect, provoke and elevate creative visual communications professionals around the world. It focuses on the highest standards of excellence and integrity in visual communications for the industry, and encourages students and young professionals entering the field. ADC provides a forum for creatives in Advertising, Design, Interactive Media and Communications to explore the direction of these rapidly converging industries.


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Para poder solicitar la creación de un grupo es necesario acceder con una cuenta ARQA

Para poder guardar en favoritos es necesario acceder con una cuenta ARQA

Para poder valorar obras es necesario acceder con una cuenta ARQA

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Para poder enviarle un mensaje a este usuario es necesario que acceder con una cuenta ARQA

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