
20+10+X projects, world Architecture Community Awards

Submit your buildings projects for World Architecture Community Awards and Join the community for free and get your work recognized by the international public!

Deadline: 25 July 2008

We are excited to announce the first cycle of the new international architectural award programme which will be an integral part of the World Architecture Community portal.

Registration is completely FREE. Members will also take part in the assessment process of the awarded 20+10+X projects, simply by rating the buildings. Member ratings will determine the 10 top-rated projects.

Votes of the Final Assessment Panel will specify 20+X projects from the shortlist following the aim of the awards. Submitted commentaries on the projects will be examined to select the «Most Mind-provoking +X» projects.

Eventually, an anthology of theoretical, critical, and literary interpretations will develop for each of the awarded projects which will be published in the «WA Community Award Book» (comprising several awarding cycles.)

Please remember that all projects uploaded to the portal will be considered as candidates for this award.

For detailed information on WA Awards please follow the link below and be informed on eligibility, criteria for recognition, timetable and much more: WA Awards

World Architecture Community Portal

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Para poder valorar obras es necesario acceder con una cuenta ARQA

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