Arquine Nº54 «From Mined Territories to the Media Park»
This issue of Arquine is dedicated to two seemingly antithetical themes: on the one hand, the introverted calm of designer homes; and on the other, the convulsive reality of Ciudad Juarez and a Dossier on architecture and fear. Both proposals come into dialogue through contrast, proposing an immersion in this schizoid dominated in both cases by the desire for security and protection.
The counterparts of this phenomenon are houses that result in excluding realities and, in the words of Ole Bouman, “an architecture of suspicion.” In various cases, people are held captive by fear. The city becomes a battleground that encourages the proliferation of armored architectures and fortified enclaves. Architecture that emerges out of fear distances itself from the lightness of the Modern and the democratic transparency to remain, at the same time, kidnapped by security specialists. In this issue of Arquine, two fronts consider Ciudad Juarez: Collateral Damage, a text by Enrique Betancourt and the perspective of Maria Luz Bravo on the isolated city and the XIII Arquine International Competition which proposes recuperating hope with a space for culture and community.