
Stacking Green House, in Vietnam

La casa, diseñada para una pareja de treinta años y su madre, es una típica casa  tubo construida en una parcela de 4 m de ancho y 20 m de profundidad. Las fachadas de frente y contra-frente están formadas íntegramente por capas de hormigón en voladizo con plantas soportadas por las dos paredes laterales. La distancia se ajusta de acuerdo a la altura de las plantas, que varía de 25 cm a 40 cm. Para lograr un fácil mantenimiento, se utilizan tubos de riego automático en el interior de los canteros. Hemos llamado a esta casa tropical, única y verde debido a que sus fachadas se llenan con una vegetación vigorosa y vital. La estructura de la casa es un bastidor RC ampliamente utilizado en Vietnam. Los tabiques son mínimos para mantener la fluidez y para poder ver el interior de las fachadas verdes desde todos los ambientes de la casa. La fachada verde y el jardín de la azotea protegen a sus habitantes de la luz directa del sol, del ruido de la calle y de la contaminación. Además, la ventilación natural a través de las fachadas y de 2 lucernarios en la parte superior permiten conservar mucha energía en el duro clima de Saigón. En relación con estos enfoques ecológicos, nos hemos referido mucho a los principios bioclimáticos de la tradicional casa vietnamita con patio.

Whoever wanders around Saigon, a chaotic city with the highest density of population in the world, can easily find flower-pots crampped and displayed here and there all around the streets. This interesting custom has formed the amused character of Saigon over a long period of time and Saigonese love their life with a large variety of tropical plants and flowers in their balconies, courtyards and streets.

The house, designed for a thirty-years-old couple and their mother, is a typical tube house constructed on the plot 4m wide and 20m deep. The front and back façades are entirely composed of layers of concrete planters cantilevered from two side walls.

The distance between the planters and the height of the planters are adjusted according to the height of the plants, which varies from 25 cm to 40 cm. To water plants and for easy maintenance, we use the automatic irrigation pipes inside the planters. We named this tropical, unique and green house “Stacking Green” because its façades filled with vigorous and vital greenery.

The house structure is a RC frame structure widely used in Vietnam. The partition walls are very few in order to keep interior fluency and view of green façades from every point of the house. During the day we get the varying light with the time of day trimmed by the top-light in the center. In the morning and the afternoon,  the sunlight enters through the amount of leafs on both façades,  creating beautiful shadow effects on the granite walls, which are composed of strictly stacked 2cm stones.

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The green façade and roof top garden protect its inhabitants from the direct sunlight, street noise and pollution. Furthermore, natural ventilation through the façades and 2 top-lights allow this house to save a big energy in a harsh climate in Saigon. Concerning these ecological approaches, we referred a lot to the bioclimatic principles of traditional Vietnamese courtyard house.

In this chaotic city, we defined the full variety of surrounding greenery as a context of Saigon and applied to the main concept of this house. Although the Saigon townscape is getting uniformed and boring under the influence of the furious urban sprawl of recent years, we intended this house to inspire people to re-define and re-increase the greenery as the character of this city. “Stacking Green” is just one small house, but it is generated from the context of Saigon. We hope that “Stacking Green” makes Saigon become more distinguished and fascinating with much more tropical greenery in the future.

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