
My Home is my Patio

En todas las ciudades hay parcelas de tierra en las que resulta difícil construir utilizando soluciones convencionales. En esos casos se necesitan soluciones inteligentes para aprovechar las oportunidades de crecimiento en el centro de la ciudad y reducir la expansión urbana hacia la periferia. Un nuevo tipo de casa fue diseñada en el terreno de Linzer Feilstraße (Linz, Austria) incluido en una tercera categoría de edificios de apartamentos y de casas adosadas. Distintos tipos de vivienda se apilan en la estructura de la construcción, a la que se incorporan un estacionamiento subterráneo y locales comerciales que le dan vida a la zona. Estas casas de dos plantas con patio son una alternativa real a las casas suburbanas unifamiliares.

There are leftover plots of land in every city which are difficult to build upon using conventional solutions. Intelligent solutions need to be developed for these challenging sites to seize opportunities for inner-city growth. The project for urban waste land offers innovative solutions which mitigate the need for the growth of city boundaries (“Urban Sprawl“)

Concept of stacking housing types by using urban wasteland-offer in order to save resources and the surrounding landscape. A new type of house was designed for the plot in the Linzer Feilstraße which falls into a third category, after multi-storey buildings and terraced houses. A mixture of housing types are stacked up to give the building its structure. There is underground parking, business premises to liven up the street area with apartments above and two-storey courtyard houses on top. These two-storey courtyard houses offer a real alternative to a suburban detached house.

Extended wooden poles which help integrate the banisters and specifically placed areas of colour accentuate the centrally located inner courtyard, with its arcades, as being the core of the development. Therefore, seven apartments with typical rooms can be found on the first floor. Apartments with patios and terraces can be found on two further levels on the floors above. These can be considered as small houses as each 92m² unit has its own intimate and completely hidden courtyard. The patios are opened up on the side towards the street to enable a connection to the surroundings. Roofs which are slightly sloped towards the courtyards and rounded off towards the back of the building give the apartments, with their ceiling height of 3.7m, a generous character. The three courtyard houses with their round-arched roofs, give the impression that they are sitting upon the building structure below, creating the building’s identity and its unique appearance from a distance. The patios face outwards and form an incision into the cubic structure giving the introverted and tightly packed building its structure and openness. With the building being situated at the corner of the Feilstraße this aspect is emphasised by a change in the material of the façade. The building presents itself with white plaster on the western façade and on the eastern side the roof is covered with trapezoidal sheet metal runs along the outer walls of the courtyard houses, along the façade and down to the premises.

Text: Ulli Haele, November 2009
Revision: xarchitekten, November 2009

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