
House J2, Zagreb, Croatia

Esta casa para una pareja joven con niños se encuentra en una zona verde residencial de la ciudad de Zagreb. La antigua casa familiar, construida en la década del ‘50 en la pendiente de una empinada colina, no cumplía con los estándares de la vida contemporáneos y no valoraba adecuadamente su gran jardín y las hermosas vistas de la ciudad.

A ambos lados, el sitio está rodeado por una calle y un edificio alto. Estos hechos contextuales determinan el concepto y la forma del nuevo proyecto. El diseño en «L» con frentes cerrados «protege» la casa de la calle y del edificio vecino. Al mismo tiempo, el jardín se ha rediseñado con todas las habitaciones principales de la casa orientado hacia él.

Los materiales utilizados para las fachadas corresponden a la organización espacial de las instalaciones. Los espacios de estar y el comedor están separados por paredes de cristal que se abren completamente el espacio de vida exterior y, por el otro lado, las paredes de la habitación están revestidas alternativamente con paneles de tableros de madera.


Original text in English

The family house for a young couple with children is located in the green residential part of the city of Zagreb. The former family house was built in the 1950s on a steep hill slope and did not fully use all the advantages of the site nor did it meet the requirements of contemporary living standards. The beautiful view to the city and large garden was not valued appropriately.

On both sides the site is bordered by a street and a high building. These contextual facts determined the concept and the shape of the new project. The “L” layout with closed fronts „protects“ the house from the street and the neighbouring building. At the same time the garden has been redesigned with all the main rooms in the house oriented towards it.
The living room, dining room and kitchen form a unique space and together with a swimming pool are built into the ground. In this way, being at the same level and separated from each other by a glass wall they bring the garden into the house. The house entrance is above, at street level, together with garage, storages, closet-space and studio. The family area is above the entrance space along with the living and dining rooms.

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The materials used for the façades correspond to the spatial organisation of facilities. The living and dining spaces are separated by glass walls which completely open the living space to the outside; on the other hand, the bedroom walls are alternatively panelled by wooden boards.


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