
House in Tamatsu, Osaka, Japan

La casa, situada en una pequeña parcela del casco urbano de Osaka, Japón, fue diseñada para una familia con dos niños. El sitio tiene usos mixtos con pequeñas casas, fábricas y edificios de oficinas que coexisten sin ningún tipo de armonía. En ese lugar se situaba la antigua casa del cliente, una construcción de madera de dos pisos. La proximidad de las construcciones adyacentes no dejaban entrar la luz natural a la vivienda, por lo tanto el cliente solicitó diseñar la sala de estar, el comedor y la cocina tan grandes como fuera posible, sin pilares ni muros de carga.

De acuerdo con el estilo de vida del cliente, el dormitorio y las zonas húmedas de pareja se ubicaron en la planta baja, la sala de estar se colocó en el primer piso y las habitaciones de los niños en el segundo piso. Por una razón estructural, las grandes aberturas no se podrían abrir hacia afuera en la primera planta del edificio. Por ello se rotó el volumen de la segunda planta 14 grados sobre el eje de la construcción convirtiendo en huecos los espacios intersticiales entre la pared que gira y la pared exterior del edificio. La claraboya, colocada en la boca del vacío, permite que la luz natural penetre en el estar de la primera planta.

Por otra parte, una de las dos paredes que gira en el plano de la segunda planta también se inclina verticalmente, y la parte que se superpone con la escalera se convierte en un origami facetado. La caja blanca del edificio es completamente diferente de las construcciones del barrio. Aparentemente el volumen cilíndrico de la segunda planta girado penetra en el edificio y la forma de la caja de escalera en voladizo parece estar flotando en el vacío.


Original text in English

The house is designed for 4 members of a family with two kids.

The house is placed at urban district and a small plot of only 43.21sqm in Osaka, Japan. Around the site is the mixed-use area where small houses, small factories, and small office buildings coexist together without any harmony.

The client’s former house, which stood at this site, was a wooden two-story house. The adjacent sites were close and natural light didn’t enter into the old house. Therefore the client requested the family room (living area, dining area and kitchen) to be as large as possible without pillars or road-bearing walls, and that natural light that comes into the house, especially into the family room.

First, since the site was narrow, the volume of the building took up as much of the site as possible.

According to the lifestyle of the client, the bedroom of the couple and wet areas were placed in the ground floor, the family room was placed in the first floor, the rooms of children were placed in the second floor and the terrace was placed on the roof. For a structural reason, the large openings were not able to open out on the road side of the first floor of the building. So, I rotated the volume of the second floor 14 degrees for the axis of the building, and interstitial spaces between the rotated wall and the outer wall of the building became voids. The skylight was set up in the upside of the void, and is intended to allow natural light to drop on the family room of the first floor.

Moreover, one of two walls rotated 14 degrees on the plan of the second floor is also inclined to the verticality, and the part which overlaps with stairs is turned up, and has become like origami or a facet. This inclined wall frees people’s feeling by deviation from the norm, simultaneously the sense of touch of the degree of inclination and the light to reflect of that inclination cause a new physical sense.

The building’s white box is completely different from the building of the neighborhood. It is the appearance which the cylindrical volume of the second floor rotated 14 degrees penetrates into the building. Box-shaped cantilevered stairs are floating in the void.


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