Ferson House, Haacht, Belgium
Ferson House es una vivienda unifamiliar ubicada en una zona rural de Haacht, Bélgica, dieñada por el estudio belga Collectiv4 Arquitectos. La percepción es de un volumen monolítico, con una planta irregular y un techo en ángulo que proporciona diferentes experiencias y perspectivas en cada habitación. Las aberturas cuadradas colocadas estratégicamente en la fachada dirigen las miradas hacia el paisaje natural circundante.
Ferson House is a single family residence within a rural area of Haacht, Belgium by belgian practice Collectiv4 Architects. The inhabitant’s perception from the interior viewing outwards dictated a monolithic volume with an irregular footprint and angled roofline. To provide different experiences and prospects from each room. Placement of square openings within the facade strategically directs focus towards an adjacent field and encompassing natural landscape. The varied thicknesses of the exterior’s vertical lumber paneling. Further conceals the home’s simple and low-energy interior. The internal circulation generates a pleasing flow for dwellers.