Chicken Point Cabin in Northern Idaho, United States
Esta casa de fin de semana, básicamente una caja de acero sobre pilotes, puede quedar completamente cerrada cuando el dueño está ausente. Situada en Washington, USA, cerca de un río en un terreno de inundación, la casa tiene tres pisos coronados por la sala de estar y gran cocina. Las persianas de acero se pueden cerrar de forma simultánea con una simple manivela.
This 1,000 square-foot weekend cabin, basically a steel box on stilts, can be completely shuttered when the owner is away. Situated near a river in a floodplain, the 20’ x 20’ square footprint rises three stories and is topped by the living room/kitchen. Large, 10’ x 18’ steel shutters can be closed simultaneously using a hand crank.
Scale of furnishings is critical in this compact retreat. Furniture is clean and simple; appropriate to the relaxing actions of lounging, dining, and sleeping. Built-in storage bins for firewood and boots help keep spaces tidy. The neutral palette complements raw materials like steel and plywood, visually retreating so that the eye is drawn to the surrounding landscape.