
Accepting applications for Green Roof & Wall Design 2011 Awards of Excellence

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) is pleased to announce that it is now accepting submissions for the 2011 Green Roof and Wall Design Awards of Excellence, presented at CitiesAlive: The 9th Annual Green Roof & Wall Conference in Philadelphia, P.A., Nov. 30 – Dec. 3, 2011.

Submission forms for the Green Roof Design Awards and the Green Wall Design Awards are now available at www.greenroofs.org/awardsexcellence. To submit a project, applicants should download the submission form, prepare a 5-10 slide photo presentation (in PowerPoint or .pdf format) and use the automated online submission service. The submission fee is $125 US per application for GRHC members and $195 US for non-members. The Green Roof & Wall Design Awards celebrate excellence in innovative and integrative green roof and wall design, raising awareness of the multiple benefits that green infrastructure can provide clients and the general public. The Awards are selected by a seven-member, multi-disciplinary judging team which includes Architects, Landscape Architects, Engineers and Horticulturists. Submissions are evaluated according to a broad range of weighted criteria including aesthetic, economic, functional and ecological components. There are seven design award categories, three for extensive green roofs, three for intensive green roofs, and one for green walls. Applicants may submit more than one project for the same, or different award categories. Submissions will be accepted until 11:59 PM PST, July 6th, 2011. Applicants will be notified of the judges’ decisions by August 9, 2011. The awards will be officially presented December 2nd, 2011 at CitiesAlive: The 9th Annual Green Roof & Wall Conference.

Free Webinar on Residential Green Roof Performance
Tune in to the next installment of the Green Infrastructure Webinar Series on Tuesday, June 1st at 1 pm EDT, as Dr. Bill Retzlaff discusses the performance of a residential green roof project in the Midwest. Dr. Retzlaff is currently the Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at SIUE, and the research co-director of the St. Louis metropolitan area research collaboration (the Green Roof Environmental Evaluation Network) based at SIUE. He is also the Chair of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities’ Research Committee. The Green Infrastructure Webinar Series is free to attend, so invite a colleague. Reserve your webinar seat now at:www2.gotomeeting.com/register/341363562 After registering you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the webinar.

More information > www.greenroofs.org| perlichman@greenroofs.org


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