Tipología:Cultural centers and exhibition


Yoga Garden & Art Gallery Brno

The architecture designed for the Yoga Garden and Art Gallery Brno is the result of a search for a natural and at the same time abstract space. We wished to create a space without the deceitfulness of nostalgia (industrial fake) or false spirituality (exotic cliché). Within our European context yoga, just like architecture, too often succumbs to the false of preconception, which we have attempted to avoid.

Luma Arles

The LUMA Foundation announces the opening of LUMA Arles on 26 June 2021*, a 27-acre creative campus at the Parc des Ateliers in the city of Arles bringing together artists and innovators of the future.

Interpretation Centre of Romanesque

Located in the district of Porto, in the Village of Lousada, the Interpretation Centre of Romanesque is located in an area that is an expansion of this village marked by a strong relationship with an urban square called Pra- ça das Pocinhas and with the Senhor dos Aflitos Church - a strong reference in the town center.

New Lecture Center VŠPJ

The wing reconstruction area and the new lecture room VŠPJ (College of Polytechnics) is a modern concept of rapidly developing education center located in northeastern corner of the lot, which was originally perceived as a farmyard.

Rong Cultural Center

Hormoz Island is an oval-shaped salty patch, near Bandar Abbas-Persian Gulf with 42 km2 land area. It is warm, humid and dry and is economically stressed out. Hormoz Red Soil has long been a matter of tension and heated dialogue both in local and national level as a series of market-driven investments targeted systematic excavation of the soil. Rong Cultural Center is located in Hormoz main port.

Radu Sunac · Grand Milestone Modern Art Center

Erecting in the magnificent ancient capital Xi'an with a modern and stylish gesture, Sunac · Grand Milestone Modern Art Center appears like a large crystal "gift box", which brings amazing fashionable touches to the land featuring a long history and profound culture. It aims to become a city landmark, and to lead the trend of the era.

Futian Civic Cultural Centre

Futian is one of the oldest and densest districts of Shenzhen. Recent urban regeneration efforts aim to breathe new life into this urban centre, which lacks urban quality and is crowded with residential and commercial high-rises.

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