

Berlin Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy

The new Berlin Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy campus will be built on the former Berlin Tegel Airport (TXL) site, where the last plane took off in 2020. It will provide about 50,000 square meters for training and contin- uing professional development of firefighters, rescue and emergency medical staff. Two listed hangars and other existing buildings will be renovated, and new buildings and outdoor training facilities will be added.

Startblock B2

With the upcoming structural change due to the coal phase-out, a new perspective should open up for the people of Lusatia by creating and establishing new forms of work both in the city of Cottbus and the surrounding region. The energy transition gives this concern a new actuality.

Kinderoase TUM

Kéré Architecture announces that building has begun on a new vertical childcare center at Munich’s Technical University (TUM), to be built in wood. The daycare center will be called "Ingeborg Pohl Kinderoase an der TUM" after the project’s financial patron. The ground-breaking ceremony took place on April 18 on the building site at Gabelsbergerstrasse 41, directly between the TUM main campus and the university canteen.

Study Pavilion TU Braunschweig – EU Mies Award 2024

The Study Pavilion of the Technical University of Braunschweig is an innovative two-story campus building designed to provide student workspaces for all faculties. Located on the central campus di- rectly by the Oker river, the building forms a new urban landmark at the main axis along the Audimax, the historic main building, and the forum square and thus integrates into the existing pathways of the campus.

THI Campus Neuburg

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) is expanding Campus Neuburg, its external campus at the neighboring town of Neuburg, which is 20 kilometers away. Located on the site of the former Lassigny barracks, the campus will include the new Faculty of Sustainable Infrastructure.

Continental Headquarters

On the eastern outskirts of Hanover, the new headquarters of Continental AG designed by HENN consolidates several functions previously spread across the city in a single location. Its dynamic design reflects the company’s evolution from a pure tire manufacturer to an innovative technology group in the German automotive industry.

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