VIII Edición del Master in Collective Housing, en España
El Departamento de Proyectos de la Escuela Técnica Superior Arquitectura de Madrid presenta la VIII Edición del Master in Collective Housing, que se celebrará en la misma Escuela durante los meses de Enero a Julio de 2013. El programa está dirigido a aquellas personas que se encuentren en posesión del título de Arquitecto y que deseen obtener una experiencia de carácter práctico y profesional para afrontar su carrera laboral con una información amplia y actual. El master es complementamente en inglés. Consiste de 600 horas desde Enero hasta Julio, de lunes a viernes. Durante este tiempo, se recomienda una dedicación de tiempo completo para desarrollar un trabajo completo. Al finalizar el mismo los estudiantes deben presentar un trabajo final.
Program structure
All workshops and specialties are mandatory in order to receive the MCH Diploma. The structure of the program is as follows:
– Specialties
Each specialty seminar is coordinated by a technical director who relies on a group of teachers and specialists from all over the world. Specialty seminars last 35 teaching hours aproximately, except for Sustainability & Energy Concepts and International Activity & Real Estate/Management, which last twice the time. In any case, the approach is basically practical and complementary information is given digitally or on paper.
– Workshops
The concepts acquired throughout the course are developed in a series of workshops led by relevant architects specialized in collective housing.
– Master’s Project
Participants will have to deliver a master’s project, which will have a portfolio format and will include a selection of the projects produced during the year.
– Guided tours and trips
There are planned trips in Madrid and abroad, where buildings and housing-related institutions and universities will be visited accompanied by architects and/or experts.
The program is emminently practical, aimed at job placement, and is structured in Workshops and Specialties, plus a final master work:
– Workshops (x7)
– Housing Theory
– Energy & Sustainability
– Business Management & International Activity
– Housing Projects
– Sociology, Economy and Politics
– Low-cost Housing
– Construction & Technology
– Residential Urban Design
More Information > http://mastercollectivehousing.com/