5 PhD Studentships on Regional Regeneration Issues
University of Liverpool
Department of Civic Design
£12,000 per annum (for 3 years)
The Northwest Development Agency is funding 5 PhD studentships to investigate a range of regional regeneration issues.
The research programme will be managed by Professor Cecilia Wong of the Department of Civic Design at the University Liverpool UK and the students will be supervised by academic experts across Higher Education Institutions in the North West of England.
Applicants should possess a relevant degree, preferably with a Masters degree, in economics, town planning, geography, sociology, politics or other relevant discipline.
The topics of the studentships are as follows:
(1) The spatial effects of regeneration initiatives on the economic dynamics of the North West;
(2) The interaction of the housing and labour markets in the North West;
(3) Opportunities for intercity, interregional and international co-operation on regeneration;
(4) Joining-up regeneration funding streams;
(5) Policy responses to emerging rural-urban relationships.
Further particulars and details of the studentship topics and application procedure should be requested from Miss Suzanne Roebuck on (+44) 151 794 3109 or email: sueroebk@liv.ac.uk
Closing date for applications: 15 August 2003.
[Committed to equal opportunities]
Also see: http://www.englandsnorthwest.com
Dr. Peter J.B. Brown
Senior Lecturer & Director of U/G Studies
BA Environment and Planning and undergraduate Master of Planning
Department of Civic Design
Phone+Voicemail: (+44)-151-794-3122
Fax: (+44)-151-794-3125
University of Liverpool
The Gordon Stephenson Building
Mobile: 07946-414527
74 Bedford Street South
Liverpool L69 7ZQ, United Kingdom
E-mail: pjbbrown@liv.ac.uk