Autor: Signum Architecture

Juancarlos always admired modernist Luis Barragan, whose colorful walls signified joy and vibrant life, bringing emotion and Mexican sensuality to the International style. His architecture captures that spirit, sometimes with color; sometimes with masterful use of unity and proportion; always through strategically crafted, multi-sensual experiences that unfold in surprising ways.

After growing up in Guadalajara and receiving his architectural professional degree and licensure in Mexico, Juancarlos broadened his design vocabulary by working and traveling in Japan, New York, and Europe. Witnessing architecture as tangible expression of a country’s distinctive way of life, brought insight to the power of it to change and improve life.

At Signum Juancarlos’ inclusive, critical thinking informs our projects and our business decisions. Genuine and charismatic, he inspires trust and ever-better design. A cycler, former surfer and tennis contender, his joy is design and family.



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