Autor: RKTB Architects

Carmi Bee, FAIA, is the president of RKTB Architects. A graduate of The Cooper Union and Princeton University, he joined RKTB in 1977 and became a partner in 1981. He is also an Emeritus Professor of Architectural Design at The City College of New York where he taught from 1969-2012.
Mr. Bee is committed to creating environments that serve human needs and develop a sense of historic continuity while respecting the physical and social context. His growing recognition as a leading designer has been distinguished by such projects as 433 Broadway, OMO Norma Kamali, Turtle Bay Towers, River Rose/Park Rose in Battery Park City, Memphis Downtown, the City Center Theater, School for the Physical City, the South Orange Performing Arts Center in New Jersey, and the development of an Infill Housing Prototype known as “Smart Housing.”
His honors, awards, and professional affiliations include the John Hejduk Award and a Distinguished Alumni Award from The Cooper Union; a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship Grant; a National Institute for Architectural Education Research Grant; and a Research Fellowship from the Princeton University Center for Urban and Environmental Studies. Mr. Bee has also received many design awards, which include a First Honor Award for Design Excellence from the National AIA and the Andrew J. Thomas Award for housing design from the AIA NY Chapter. He currently serves as chair of the Westbeth Artists’ Housing Board of Directors and is on the board of the Castle Hill Center for the Arts in Truro, Massachusetts. He previously served as a member of The Cooper Union Board of Trustees and as a juror for the New Housing New York Design Ideas Competition.
Nelson Vega is an Associate at RKTB and a graduate of The City College of New York School of Architecture and Environmental Studies. Since joining RKTB in 1998 he has been involved with a broad array of project types, including housing, office buildings, transportation, school renovations, and theaters.
Mr. Vega has helped coordinate the firm’s design efforts and has managed over a million square feet of new housing developments, each with multi-million dollar construction budgets. He was notably involved with the award-winning 455 Central Park West, a SHPO-approved, high-end, residential landmark project, from 2000 until its completion in August of 2005.
He has also managed several other award-winning projects such as the South Orange Performing Arts Center (SOPAC). Mr. Vega’s focus has most recently been on managing and overseeing the successful completion of affordable housing projects in New York City, including the award-winning Maynard Co-ops, the Madison Putnam housing project, and the Msgr. Anthony J. Barretta Apartments, all in Brooklyn.