Autor: Michèle & Miquel

mICHELE&mIQUELE is an ARCHITECTURE URBANISM AND LANDSCAPE ATELIER, based in Barcelona, Spain and Toulouse, Francia. It was founded in 1996 by Michèle Orliac and Miquel Batlle.
The team take part in the development of public spaces, urban facilities, strategic points, urban peculiar situations…etc
The philosophy of their work lies on the relationship between the city, architecture and nature, urban planning and landscape architecture and in the articulation of different scales: from territorial scale to the detail.
Throughout the professional life of the study many projects have been developed in different topics such as:
. Public spaces and urban facilities
Hortus wineries in Valflaunes, Wallon Marcadau refuge in the National park of Pyrenees, or the canopies in Vieux Boucau.
. Director plan of public spaces
Director plan beach in VIEUX BOUCAU in the Atlantic Ocean.
. Many projects has been recognised at national and international awards:
. First prize in the FAD 2017 award, international category with the project Le Jardin NIEL in TOULOUSE, France.
. Selected in the international Mies van der Rohe 2017 award with the project Winery in Montpellier, France.
. First prize in the FAD 2011 award, landscape and city category, with de project Aigües Park in Figueres, Spain.
. First prize in the Trophées de l’aménagement Urbain award three times: at Pams Port street in Vendres, France ; at the ARLES SUR TECH square, France ; and in the fairground in Treffort, France.
– Architect DPLG, ENST Toulouse
– Landscape Architect ETSAB, MAP Master in Landscape Architecture of Barcelona, recognised by the IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) and by the European Higher Education Area EHEA.
– Urbanist at DUSUA University of Sciences Le Mirail, Toulouse.
-She begining her proffesional activity like landscape architect in 1996, stablishing the study mICHELE&mIQUELE with Miquel Batlle.
Teaching activity:
– Professor at Master in Landscape Architecture of Barcelona MAP, at ETSAB, Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona.
– Guest professor, with Miquel Batlle, in higher schools of Architecture like:
Higher Technical School of Architecture of LYON,
Escuela de paisaje de Versalles
Higher Technical School of Architecture of Alcalá de Henares, MADRID
International Higher Technical School of Architecture of Cataluña, UIC
– Architect ETSAB, Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona.
– Landscape Architect ETSAB, MAP Master in Landscape Architecture of Barcelona, recognised by the IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) and by the European Higher Education Area EHEA.
– He begining his proffesional activity like landscape architect in 1996, stablishing the study mICHELE&mIQUELE with Michèle Orliac.
Teaching activity:
– Professor at Master in Landscape Architecture of Barcelona MAP, at ETSAB, Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona.
– Guest professor, with Michèle Orliac, in higher schools of Architecture like:
Higher Technical School of Architecture of LYON,
Escuela de paisaje de Versalles
Higher Technical School of Architecture of Alcalá de Henares, MADRID
International Higher Technical School of Architecture of Cataluña, UIC