
Cafe Konvikt

Cafe is located next to former Baroque chapel in Jesuit convict in Olomouc. The word convict is symptomatically derived from latin word convicere, which means “to live in a community”.

The Corpus Christi Chapel was used during the 17th century by Jesuits, who were known both for their missions into exotic sites and for their extraordinary high level of education. Based on that, elements in the café combines Baroque religious mystique with secular order and knowledge. Essential shape of interior inhabits domed space full of light. Under the dome was embedded an inner floor, which can be seen as metaphor of tree. Continuing this metaphor, bottom layer of cafe is a solid ground or phyla, conducted in earthy tones. The inner floor itself reminds a treetop. It is filled with plants and flora and soft, dark green sofas.

Cafe bar creates interior centre, and it is also covered with plants hanging down from the ceiling. Inside the bar desk is placed a tiny altar with Virgin Mary statue, backlit by gentle pink LED light. White handmade tiles is facing all of the bar and covers wall behind it too. Upper bar desk was made in a specially constituted surface in cooperation with Master&Master. The dark brown massive wood nosing desk relates to other furniture in café, which evokes traditional church wooden pews. Bar stools and low stools were created by Czech contriver, the rest of furniture was purchased in antiquity stores.

Fundamental visual element for Jesuits were frescoes in churches or in chapels. Reference to this tradition can be found at soffit in a central space of cafe. The soffit is made by painter David Minařík with special ecologic material, which he developed together with Markéta Šohajová. The basic structure of it is fabric, in baroque frescos elementary part of figurative picture composition. Combination of recycled fabrics and sustainable resin creates original surface illusion of an old fresco. In addition to frescoes, light also played a major role in Baroque sacral space. Light concentrate the divine power in this world and refers to supernatural forces. This fundamental principle is in café represented by central round lighting metaphorically depicting a halo. Same light principle penetrates the upper floor and symbolically continues to infinity.

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