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Tipología:Office buildings


Aoyama 346, in Tokyo

A three-story office and retail complex in the Minami Aoyama area of Tokyo, Aoyama 346 is an interplay of multiple green triangles, which articulate the liminal spaces that intermediate between the interior and the exterior of the building. The design is also a response to the client’s request to create “an urban oasis” in the very heart of the city.

Rock House, in Vietnam

Located at a soft ground closed to a canal in Binh Thanh District, HCM city, this office is required to design to meet functions of an architecture & construction office as well interior showroom. In additional, a lowest construction cost is also a client’s concern due to short term rental of this site from 5 to 10 years only.

Gilmosery, office building in Korea

Gilmosery is office building for Settle Bank, the company that develop internet banking software. In order to demolish the existed residential home, and construct new building, architectural regulations (land ratio, floor space index, height, regulations on the road width and sunlight width) were treated with flexibility as basic conditions of the given site, rather than restrictions.

Nestlé Headquarters, in Assago, Milano

In the month of April, Nestlè Italy inaugurated its new headquarters in the building called U27, completed two years from construction start in the Milanofiori Nord area, Assago (MI). The architectural project was committed by society Milanofiori 2000 to Park Associati while executive project and management work have been taken in charge by the engineering firm General Planning.

Glass office by AIM Architecture for SOHO China

An all glass and mirror inner cladding exposes the infrastructure of SOHO’s new office building in Shanghai. The glass creates manifold reflections of the sales models and meeting rooms, while leaving the original height and structure in view. This creates a 'double reality' that merges with the stunning views of downtown Shanghai.

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