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Tipología:Mixed-use buildings


KRONA Knowledge and Cultural Centre, in Kongsberg

The KRONA Knowledge and Cultural Centre enhances Kongsberg’s cultural institutions and stimulates interaction between diverse communities and disciplines. Comprised of a variety of functions, KRONA houses new teaching and technical laboratory facilities for Buskerud University College and Tinius Olsen Technical Vocational College, as well as a technical university library.

Zhejiang Gate Towers

LAVA’s Zhejiang Gate Towers are an iconic entrance to the city of Hangzhou. The design of the two towers is based on the Chinese characters for ‘gate’, and they feature a shimmering façade of fins.

Strijp S

Strijp S is the former factory site of the old Philips-complex in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The 27 hectare large area, which is the home of a considerable amount of monumental buildings, provided work to thousands of people between 1920 and 2004.

Hualien Residences

Hualien is a rapidly developing city located in the middle portion of Taiwan’s East coast. TLDC, a prominent land developer based in Taipei, has recently obtained license to turn what used to be an industrial and factory region into a world class beach resort.

Family Box, in Qingdao

As early childhood education progresses rapidly in China, Family Box recently opened its 6th branch in Qingdao, China. Crossboundaries’ design for the two-level 4400sqm facility offers the enterprise’s usual functions such as a children swimming pool, classrooms, open play areas and a cafe.

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