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Tipología:Local and Malls


Drubba Moments

Drubba has relocated its watch salesroom into a new build on the lakeshore. Our task was to create a concentrated shopping experience, catering for the tight schedule of many Asian visitors, while drawing together the individual brand areas into a unified spatial concept.

Crystal Houses in Amsterdam

MVRDV’s Crystal Houses began its existence with the request of Warenar to design a flagship store combining both Dutch heritage and international architecture on the PC Hooftstraat, Amsterdam’s one and only luxury brand street that was previously primarily residential.

Glam Store

The design for a shop in Rose Street Hawk in Ansião occupies an existing space gloomy and dark. The functionality has resulted in an economic constructive solution, one material, slatted in pine wood.

Grow op

The PATH is a continuous underground network of privately owned retail spaces and corridors which serve many utilitarian functions of the public realm in Toronto’s financial district.

Taste Wine Co.

Smelling and tasting are basic activities our senses involve when we drink wine. When we were approached to design Taste Wine Co. store, we were challenged to add a tactile experience that would allow users to interact, through a phone, with a series of wine tasting devices integrated into the architecture.

New Red Bull Studio, in Berlin

Los Angeles-based studio Optimist Design has created a sculptural music studio in Berlin as the latest addition to Red Bull Studio’s series of global music spaces. Built in a former power station dating from the 1920’s, the new contemporary interiors perfectly contrast modern Berlin with the old.


The competition for the building and external design was won by architectural firm Bernd Albers Berlin, while we were commissioned to design the interior for all public spaces and to develop a guidance and orientation system.

La Kagu, in Tokyo

Kagurazaka is one of the few districts in Tokyo that best retains historic townscape. The project was a renovation of a big warehouse of books located on top of Kagurazaka hill, for which we created a public space like a ground, together with a café and a shop.

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