Inicio 12/04/2016 Cierre 18/04/2016 Finalizado


The 9th IFoU Conference, call for papers

Call for papers for the 9th IFoU Conference is open until April 18th.



The 9th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) titled “From Knowledge to Development: New university challenges for a contemporary urban development” will be organized by the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of Buenos Aires University (FADU, UBA) at Buenos Aires, Argentina, from October 26th to 28th 2016. The aim of this scientific conference is to contribute and discuss new ways to integrate academic knowledge and governmental practice.

There is an open call for papers for Conference Sessions 1 to 5. Submissions are welcome to researchers, design critics and reflective practitioners. Please submit your abstract (400-600 words) before April 18th 2016 to Please identify which sub themes you feel your submission is most appropriately allied.

More information >

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