

The residential building "co-designed to rent" Wildgarten is a rental apartment building in which the owners, here the future tenants, work out the design of the communal areas and the apartments in a joint planning process with the planners, just like in an assembly project.

With the help of the Eva design aid program developed by SWAP Architects and Caramel Architects, a wide range of possible floor plan layouts was developed in advance. These were then transferred to individually appropriated communal areas and apartments in the course of the joint planning process with the tenants. In addition to the highly diversified communal areas, 44 individual apartments were created which, thanks to the arrangement around a few vertical supply lines and supports, can also be adapted for future tenants. The apartments are divided into two houses, a high point house and a low long house with a shared roof terrace, which are connected on the ground floor by indoor and outdoor spaces that can be shared.

Special design features of the objects

The individuality of the external appearance through the freely distributed arbor balconies resulted from the involvement of the tenants in the planning of their apartments. After all the apartments have been fully occupied for a long time, these arbor balconies with their individual design appropriation by the tenants will also convey a colorful, lively and changing image to the outside.

Relation to the environment

The joint between the two structures forms one of the entrance gates to the large new district. Here, the urbanity of the public space, which is clearly bordered by the location between the two structures, is knotted with the natural open spaces of the building area. For the use of the square, the common areas of the buildings are located on the two sides of the ground floor facing the square.

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Functionality / utility

The functionality and utility of the building result for its residents through the upstream joint planning of the building’s contents. After the planners have presented possible options, the residents have created the desired functionality and personal utility for themselves through their involvement in the planning processes through to actual implementation. All of this through the process support of the planners in compliance with economically favorable parameters in order to keep the construction costs and thus the rental costs for the residents low.

Positive regional effects

For the city of Vienna, the entire new building district on the outskirts contributes significantly to the necessary urban densification of the outlying districts. The small-scale and highly diversified building structures of the large building area and its equally urban and natural qualities are intended to create an attractive quarter as an alternative to the sparsely populated, structureless environment that encourages imitation in terms of content.

Degree of innovation

Co-determination in the planning of housing developments is currently mostly practiced in assembly projects. Since this is always based on property, it restricts the participants to the group of the wealthy. In our “Rent-design” project, on the other hand, the tenants were able to help shape the planning in a joint process, despite the low social housing construction – apartment rents as in an assembly project. This not only for the communal areas but also in several individual planning workshops with the planners for the individual design of your respective apartment. In order to enable a new adaptation for future tenants, very diversified apartment typologies were developed around a few vertical lines.

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The compact design of the heated building volume and the shifting of the access areas into the unheated exterior (shared, wide arcade areas) lead to low construction costs and low operating costs (small heated area).

Careful use of resources

The process of “rental design” and the possibility of later adaptation without altering the basic structure leads on the one hand to the gray energy used during construction to a high degree of user satisfaction and on the other hand to very little additional gray energy required for later adaptations

Flexibility / adaptability to market changes

In the course of the “design rental” planning process, a wide variety of usage requests with identical basic layouts of the respective apartment typologies have already been taken into account in the actual implementation. Such as, for example, an additional work space to the arcade instead of the second bathroom, enlargement of rooms for a shared apartment at the same time.

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