
Tedril Gallery

Flexible mould technology & precision engineered hempcrete bricks forms the structure of this Hempcrete coiled wall.  Four meter high glass windows weave between the forms 12 arches opening out onto a 360 degrees terraced area.

A twisting spiral staircase becomes the sculptural centre piece which leads you up onto the roof terrace. The top of the coiled wall forms a natural barrier to the perimeter of this roof terrace without interfering with the view from this space. The gallery sits on an island accessed by a path that connects the architecture to the main land.

Hempcrete is a mix of hemp hurds, water, and powdered lime mixed together to be formed into a wall and over time, the chemical reactions between the water, lime and Hemp will petrify the hemp and turn the lime back into stone. One ton of manufactured cement releases 850kg of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The use of lime instead of cement will save approximately 80% of the CO2 release compared to ordinary cement.

Hempcrete is non-toxic, has no off-gassing, no solvents, mold resistance. It is durable, has high humidity control, sustainable, carbon sequestration, fire and pest resistance, has passive self regulation of temperature and humidity and is a very good insulator!

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