
Office 03, in Netherlands

i29 l interior architects creates a new area in fashionable corporate responsibility for Gummo advertising agency.

As Gummo were only going to be renting the space on the first floor of the old Parool newspaper building in Amsterdam for two years, i29 convinced Gummo to embrace the mantra of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ to create a stylish office space that would impact as little as possible on the environment or their wallets. i29 developed a theme that reflects Gummo’s personality and design philosophy – simple, uncomplicated, no-nonsense, yet unquestionably stylish with a twist of humour. Everything in the office conforms to the new house style of white and grey. All the furniture was locally sourced via Marktplaats (the Dutch eBay), charity shops and whatever was left over at the old office. Everything was then spray painted with polyurea Hotspray to conform with the new colour scheme house style.

Even Jesus wasn’t immune, as you can see in the attached pictures. The interior of the office is, just like the building itself, re-used. They left the existing building as it was, and placed one visually strong element in the 450 m2 open space. The collection of second hand and re-used furniture in one and the same finish is one powerful unified sculpture, so your attention will attract to the new interior instead of the old surrounding. The minimalistic interior has gained even more playful details by using all different types of furniture. To exaggerate the monolith character of the strangely formed pieces of furniture, grey squares are painted on the concrete floor to frame the different areas in the office space. Reception, working areas, lounge areas, a mini grandstand and canteen are all unified within the concept.

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i29 strives to realize timeless interiors that can last more then a couple of years, this is partly their vision on a durable way of making a design. The interior of Gummo is a never ending story, and can easily be expanded or reduced when the company grows and relocates to another office. i29 does not design projects as most do, they do not style what is there. i29 tries to literally design the experience of space; the stuff that is not physically there. And one can only do this by designing the physical material. It is a different approach and it obviously leads to surprising results. Look at it as a composition in music. As in music the silence is essential to the music itself. It is the same way with space. i29 works with structures and rhythms in an elementary and almost abstract way, not with fasion and style. The new office of Gummo has been a perfect case study of a smart way to fill a temporary space stylishly and at minimal cost.

Jury rapport The Great Indoors / concentrate&collaborate / Winner: “Temporality and sustainability are concepts difficult to reconcile. This is an observation that certainly holds true for the interior, and raises an important question for the future, given that many interiors do not last longer than five years. This design for a temporary office seems to have formulated an answer to the call for identity and the demand for sustainability. With this simple manoeuvre, by which all individual elements are connected by the colour black and a simple zoning system, i29 Interior Architects formulates an intriguing answer to this demand, and presents an outstanding case study“.

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