Gemania: jewellery retail shop in China
Located in Yibin, China, this jewellery retail shop adopts a vision to create a heartfelt and sophisticatedly classic shopping experience to visitors with design reflecting the properties of precious stones in a manner that is environmentally appealing to elevate one’s mood of excitement in the passionate pursuit of something that is personally valuable.
The shop is vertically articulated across two selling floors. The first floor is completed with diamond, pure silver wears, and gold displays with the most prestigious gem, ruby and jade jewels located on the second floor.
By treating the exterior as an unpolished diamond, it is interpreted as a shard of glass with an irregular facet and strikingly beautiful sparkles shinning from within that are waiting to be discovered. The concept is based on an interpretation that the underlying beauty of the precious stones cannot be immediately revealed to viewer until one actively goes in and explores its hidden quality. The result is an outer surface displaying multiple interfacial angels of a diamond in irregular patterns that shimmers from within along the horizontal plane to invite people towards the shop almost spontaneously.
Upon arrival at first floor, visitors are trapped within a “diamond cave” and greeted by an irregularly contour, dynamic composure landscape with wall décor in stratified layering patterns; which forges a spatial interconnection between the products and contexts befitting the design concept.
Interestingly, jewelleries are placed in glass boxes with various sizes and heights for full display. These boxes encourage visitors to discover and swarm with the delicate beauty of the precious stones. It also encourages visitors to adopt a dual perspective at the products with close attention at the properties of the refined jewellery, reflecting a delusional image in the language of adventurousness and glamorousness.
On the second floor, a “gallery” casted in centre uplifts the shop’s ambience, displaying the latest signature classic wears to arrest the eyes to look deeper and explore the rest of the space. It is designed to give visitors’ unique insights and access to the most prestigious items while uncovering the inspiration behind one’s desires to hunt for the valuables. Adopting a minimalist character in the spatial layout, it not only highlights the product quality but uplifts the environment with a sense of modern elegance. A VIP sitting and a bar area are purposely created to blend the jewellery selection and quality assurance processes as a single activity.