Campus Bio-Medico
Labics and Topotek 1’s urban design proposal for the devolpment of the UCBM - Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Italy, has been awarded 1st Prize.
Active since 1993, UCBM promotes the integration of university and post-university studies, scientific research and healthcare in a spirit of service, solidarity and aspiration to the realization and application of biomedical sciences in the service of huma–n life and the person.
Labics + Topotek 1’s design for the 90 hectare UCBM site envisions a comprehensive strategy that connects the campus’ green and urban areas to an ecompassing and high-quality spatial complex with reference to the ancient Latium’s landscape, where social encounter knowledge production and leisure will go hand in hand.
The masterplan structure is based on a regular square matrix of 72,6m, which is the main tool of definition and marking of the landscape and urban spaces. The grid defines flexible background where we are able to structure a sequence of open spaces and buildings in straight relation with the surrounding context. The grid establishes a system for marking the area but rather than acting as a fixed and stable system, it is meant to provide a framework open to different future possibilities. An important character of a grid system is its high flexibility.
The grid is dynamic and responsive. In this sense the project of the university park is similar to an agricultural field, assuming different functions, geometries, distributive arrangements and appearances as changing circumstance demand. The urban construction is an open process, where the adaptability and the capacity to support different urban scenarios derives from the dynamic character of the designed grid.