The White Gallery House
In our first meeting with the client he showed us his art collection which he has been building for more than 20 years. He asked us to design, for him and his family, a home that would be able to place equal importance on its function as a home but also to display, within the homes various rooms and spaces, in a natural fashion and as a backdrop to day to day family life, pieces from his collection.
Effectively, the brief called for the creation of a home that also provided its residents with the sensation that they are living in a space typical of an art gallery. The central idea was to create a structure that would be able to naturally contain both functions. The gallery would also be used to display part of the collection but would also be a gallery for the natural material so abundant in the Israeli climate – natural light.
In order to provide the structure with a greater feeling of depth and layers of differing color and hue, the structure acts as a unique “light box” that allows the light to penetrate in a variety of ways and to cast its shadows on the walls.
A system of aluminum slats set at different angles and a skylight composed of aluminum triangles forming a variety of shapes regulates the penetration light into the “gallery”. The structure was designed as an almost anonymous, single, complete and homogeneous, closed and white mass places on a delicate, almost non-existent structure of 3.55 meter aluminum struts set at different angles.
The main idea was to create tension and contrast between the defined and closed mass which symbolizes the permanent art collection, painstakingly gathered over many years and between the structure of the light, perforated and illusory, almost non-existent, ground floor. This symbolizes the shadows and the light show created within the space.
The vertical cross section slices through the building’s three floors, creating a central wall the entire height of the home. This is used to display one of the collection’s main pieces and also as constructive wall upon which the second floor rests thus freeing the entire structure of the ground floor from the need to use any pillars or supporting columns.
A swimming pool meets and merges with the home and penetrates into the central space thus allowing the water’s movements to be reflected on the walls, creating and enjoyable, constantly changing and original art forms.
The pieces of art chosen for display interact with the home’s architectural language echoing buildings the diagonal lines.